It was. I sang at church and then we took Dave's mom to lunch and the grocery store. Then we came home and I called my mom and all of my sisters. It was a good day.
still wrapping it up. . . .Nathanael West is the topic. I'm writing over the four novels that he wrote. He died relatively young. He was 40ish. Long process writing this though. I'll be glad when I'm done.
Hey Sweetie. Are you dealing with some major things today?
Did you hug your mom today?
spent all day with my mom actually. hehe((
hope your mom's day was good!
It was. I sang at church and then we took Dave's mom to lunch and the grocery store. Then we came home and I called my mom and all of my sisters. It was a good day.
How's the thesis going and what is the subject?
still wrapping it up. . . .Nathanael West is the topic. I'm writing over the four novels that he wrote. He died relatively young. He was 40ish. Long process writing this though. I'll be glad when I'm done.
I bet. English major?
Yes. Hardcore english major. hehe((
So, what are you going to do with your degree once you are finished writing your book and reading exerpts from it at the Brazos Bookstore?
I like writing theory most of all, but who knows what the future holds?
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