Danger ahead.
One foot at a time as winter suffocates. Victory is an illusion. There is no game. It was all a lie, done with cameras, a hungry crew and gaffer tape. Swinging the pendulum in his heart. Nectar.
I miss your lips. I miss the way they used to drip with desire.
Wounded enemy, I hope.
She sucks the color out of my world, but not out of my dreams. Sensation. Stationary agents. At their desks writing down everything you do and then they wonder why I resent them. It's true that I cause trouble but I wouldn't do it if you didn't bore me so much.
Remember all the things you promised me? Me neither.
Spitting fire and eating ashes. His youth confiscated his reason and now he sells hearts out of the trunk of his car. I saw him just the other day when I was looking for gall bladders and a cure for the voices in my head.
Swollen shut. Dictation as he professes his undying apathy. Resigns.
I saw him just the other day when I was looking for gall bladders and a cure for the voices in my head.
Great line.
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