Saturday, May 30, 2009

I have these dreams where everything disappears and then I realize it's not a dream. My fault. Thanks for being strong. Thanks for enduring this mess I call me.

I picked up the ashes and shot them out of the cannon, but I still can't forgive you. Perhaps it's not my place to forgive, so I'll just keep hating you for leaving me with only memories.

Decipher. Decide. Push. Break. Broken.

I had no dreams, no ambitions--just a pain in my stomach from where all the knowledge fled. My fists are tired of fighting, so I'm buying a gun.

Bad habits kill everyone.

Tap out the rhythm and maybe they will come or maybe they were all part of the dream. I have these images stuck in my head. I wish I could tear them to shreds then build an empire where no one crosses. Inconsiderate considerations--I'm the aberration, I'm the one you hate.

Don't tread the thread. I've got no advice to sell you, except don't be me. Medicate 'til the voices go away. Don't believe that you can hear the future. The voices are lying to you.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Flip-side--I've got no insight but the terror you bleed. I shattered into three and half pieces and can no longer think straight. Did you decide what was best for me? I'm sorry you're so indecisive. Why don't you crawl inside of me so I can suffocate all the ugly thoughts. There is no other way.

Dive. Or learn to dive. Or drive. Or derive. Count the expressions on her face. Extract the pain at the base of your skull. You are broken more ways than I can remember. Don't question, just pay. Drop the bills in the box, then step off the ledge. No wine to whine about. Wreck the promises with idle gifts and dialogue.

Last breath he mustered before he got deported.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I'm drunk with your poison trying to remember what planet I came from. I've got the gun but forgot who I am supposed to kill. I've got a million songs that I buried but don't remember where. I promise nothing. An island full of miracles and a doctor with vials of plague. I'll see you in the sea.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Where reality collapses. Exceed the demon, punish the cherubs. I can't see what I can't feel. I can't feel what I've dissasociated myself from. The fear won't leave me. I've got nothing left to salvage. Write over me until I disappear. Burning dimly in the daylight. Scorched.

I can't breathe. I can't think when I can't destroy. There are rhythms I can't shake. There is a lot I can't shake. Stand in for me. Play the part. Play the demi-god, then tell them you've destroyed yourself while searching for enlightement. They won't like it at first, but then they'll learn to think. Once they learn to think, they'll learn to destroy themselves.

My work is done. End. But there is no end. This is perpetual hell. I can't effect. I can only defect and hate you for being a deadbeat father. Revolution is the place where all dreams go to whither. I'm hungry for your tears. I'm hungry for your black heart. I'm a cannibal with an appreciation for vengeance. I'm a mean spirit, but don't look so surprised--I got it from watching you.

Second tier. The dive is beautiful. True love. Desperate. Romantic. Play that love song. Break all the feelings she used to have. I'm sorry I left you stranded. The pieces of me that I gave you were all false. There is evil in my heart, but I'm not sorry. I wish there were more time to hit you over the head with all of the voices in my head.